To my love, my husband, Myron as being a step-father is probably tougher than being a biological parent and to all the other step-fathers I know.
To my brother Karl who finally gets a chance to be a father to a new son Ayden and reconnect with an older son, Pat. Plus he's a stepfather too.
Karl & Ayden
Karl, Mac, Emily & Cindy
To my father-in-law whose witty wonderful ways has helped nourish my husband into the man he is today.
Art & Myron
To my brothers-in-law and all my friends who are fathers.
Jer & Colin
Jon & Aaron
And to all those who have lost their fathers, like my Dad, as they are GREATLY missed.
Dad & the kids...
Dad & I (2007)

I miss you Dad. Love you!!
DAY!! ♥