Monday, December 9, 2013

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Project Life: Aug 2010 to Feb 2011

Aug 2010 to Feb 2011.

As I am posting this today, I'm wondering if it is worth posting here.  Think perhaps I should just do it on facebook and keep my privacy settings to family.  hmmmmm....  

=) Lisa

Monday, August 12, 2013

July 2013

Mom came out from Ontario to visit for 10 days.  She and I went to spend a few days in Edmonton to visit my Aunt, Uncle and Grandma.

Fireworks for Canada Day in my Uncle's neighbourhood.

Visiting my 92 year old Grandma.  She's in a transitional hospital recovering from hip replacement surgery after falling and breaking her hip in April.

Uncle Bob, Grandma (Emma) and Mom (Jean). and in the second picture, Aunt Carol.

A storm that rolled in.  Watching the clouds come over the row of houses.

Ladies night at Ranchman's.  It was a charity/stampede event.  Firemen vs. Cowboys pole climb.  Took Mom for a fun night out.

Grandstand show at the Stampede that I took Mom to.

Stampede party - the Buckn Breakfast and posing with friends.

Camping with friends at Mt. Kidd RV park.

Anniversary weekend.  Myron and I golfed first at Silvertip in Canmore, AB.  Then stayed overnight in Banff at the Banff Springs Hotel.  Then golfed the next day at the Banff Springs Golf Course.

Dinner out.

Banff Springs Hotel.

Banff Springs Golf Course.

Friends of ours who are currently living as expats in Doha, Qatar are back in Calgary for some summer vacation.  We invited them over for a BBQ and I decided to try this salad on them - a Rachel Ray recipe.  Looked pretty and turned out to be not too bad.

And that was July in pictures!  =)  Lisa