Sunday, January 30, 2011

Just tweaking

The last LO I did, I couldn't help tweaking just a little.....

I haven't done much scrapbooking since the last post but I did manage to do the next LO the week my Mom came out to visit.

Enjoying a snowy day!  =) Lisa

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

New Years Resolution

I didn't make any.......  at least, not just for New Years.  I try to do my best at whatever I'm trying to do throughout the year, every year.  Is that a resolution?  hmmmm..  maybe.

Anyways, I just want to post a couple of pics from our Christmas vacation in MB -

The snow fort.

The 'mieregroppen' (forgive the spelling)  and fire pit - getting ready for our Lobster boil - New Years Eve.

The Lobster. 

Yum! Lobster! 

Happy New Years!!

And then a quick page -

A great start to the year!  All the best to everyone in 2011!  =) Lisa