Saturday, June 18, 2011

My Dad

I can still hear him talking in my ear - telling stories and jokes.  I remember the flipping of spoons.  Wrestling on the floor.  Playing catch and having that baseball fired into my glove to make it burn.  Riding in the backhoe.  Making a mini ice rink.  Rescuing me a few times after running out of gas.  Threatening to 'chain me up & lock me in the shed' so no boys could come for me.  Calling my boyfriends he didn't like, 'Bozos'.  Giving me advise on how to do a home repair. Going for coffee.  Teasing me.  Teasing his grandkids.  Teasing anybody he could.  Cuddling his grandkids.  Spoiling the grandkids.  I like to think that I get my sense of humour from him....  I still look up to him.

I am Daddy's little girl.  Always was.  Always will be.  Happy Father's Day.  Love you Dad!  =) Lisa

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Mouth Hardware

In other words - braces.  My daughter got hers removed the other day!  Yeah!  After 2 1/2 years - wasn't too bad.

I also needed to update my wall collage as I didn't have a framed group shot of my brother's family which was missing from my wall.  (I have another collage of photos from Christmas cards & such but I wanted something framed).

I have sent a request out to my brother to get one.  In the meantime, I modified one of the frames I had and managed to 'borrow' a couple of pics from a DVD of pics my brother gave me.

So this will work for now until I get a better one from my brother.  (Hint, hint)  =) Lisa

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

New School New Beginnings

Started this layout before going on vacation in April and have finally finished it last week.  Mostly due to being busy in other areas of my life.  A lot of changes were happening that year.  I retired from the military.  David moved to Tim's.  Myron and I were in the process of buying a house that was being built. And that meant that Tamara was changing schools. (As I write this, I just came up with another layout idea).

I tried to make it an easy transition as possible for Tamara.  We came and visited the school and had a tour before she moved.  Walked around the neighbourhood.  But that never is enough when you are facing an unknown the first time.

As I look back, we were asking a lot of Tamara and she took it in stride.  =) Lisa