I do have (and have had) some PL pages completed, photographed and ready to post. But I will do that in another post as this one will probably be long enough.
On Monday, Myron sent me an old news article of him that his parents sent him. It was funny because we are unable to help Tamara with her math.
Wednesday (Nov 14th) I took a nice walk towards downtown and met up with my friend Jen C for lunch. Then walked home again. That was my exercise for the day!
The next day I got my hair cut and look who greeted me!
Buster! And I got a bunch of doggy luvens and kisses. :-)
The same evening, Tamara had Youth Singers and they needed extra help back in the wardrobe department, so I went back there to help for the night and at the end of the night I became the volunteer co-ordinator for wardrobe support (on top of being the admin desk co-ordinator) and then things were off and running and I got super busy. Hence, why I'm playing catch up now.
It was a Youth Singers workshop weekend and I ended up volunteering most of the weekend trying to get the senior high's wardrobe ready to go.
On Thursday it was getting really cold and snowy. I had to leave in for my bowling league in a hurry and forgot my travel mug. I came home about 2pm (left at 9am) and my coffee was still warm!
Hoar frost and frosty city:
And as silly as this is, I took a picture of my favourite hairspray. I've used this one for years and I've tried others but I keep coming back to this one:
The next week was pretty busy but otherwise normal week.
On Tuesday I was out and went into Chapters, where I saw this:
I had to photgraph it because a couple of weeks back Myron said this to me when I was a bit stressed and he had no idea how popular the sayings of 'Keep calm..' are.
As I was out & about, I saw this car parked beside me and I had to take a picture of it because this year in Second Chants, one of the songs we will be performing is 'Build Me Up Buttercup' and when I saw the license of the car, I had to take a picture.
On Wednesday I met a friend, Rene for coffee. She's going through a bit of a tough time and later that day when I was reading one of my favourite blogs, Ali Edwards, I saw this quote and thought of her and sent it to her.
Friday (Nov 23rd), I decided to head to Spruce Meadows for the International Craft Fair. Took some pictures to share:
And I found Santa's reindeers!
And a few other snapshots:
Friday night, Tamara went to her school's Snowball Dance:
On Saturday we met up with Jen B & Warren for dinner & drinks! And Sunday we went to a Gey Cup party and watched our Stamps lose the grey cup! :-(
And now I'm caught up. (almost) Cheers! =) Lisa