Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Project Life: End May 2010 to Beginning Aug 2010

The first 6 months of this year has been a super busy time for us.  That meant that I wasn't able to work on PL as often as I would have liked.  But I did manage to complete a few pages.

First off is a couple of layouts I did as a gift for my Mom.

Project Life pages: May to Aug 2010

=) Lisa

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

May 2013

May was a super busy month - with Tamara's Youth Singers and graduating.  With Myron at work and with me at Second Chants, Tuesday ladies Golf league and volunteering 2 positions with Tamara's Youth Singers, buying a condo and helping David move into that condo.

The first set of pictures are a couple snapshots of the Youth Singers' spring show called KORRUS.

It was also Tamara's 18th birthday.  She is now an adult in Alberta, Canada.  And since it was such a hectic weekend, she only wanted dinner out with us where she could legally get a drink for the first time.

A few nights later there was an altercation right on our street.  We heard a woman yell for help so we called 911.  We could see an injured man on the sidewalk.  We found out that another neighbour had called it in too.  A few minutes later we had EMS, an EMS supervisor, firetruck and about 5 or 6 police cars show up.  The injured man was taken into the ambulance and a few minutes later the ambulance left and some police scoured a few neighbours' yards.  Then everyone left.  Don't know what the full story was but it turned out into be an interesting night.  Or should I say, morning.

Tamara went camping with a few of her high school friends as a non-sactioned graduating event up at Pigeon Lake.  Tamara told me that most of the grade 12 grads were going to have a 'bush' camp weekend where lots of alcohol consumption was going to take place and she and this handful of friends didn't want to participate in a drunk fest, so went camping on their own.  

I think it was a wise decision.  And it sounded like she had a lot of fun.

May 23rd was grad retreat for Tamara at school and then a final dress fitting for her grad dress.  Aunt Carol arrived from Edmonton to join in the festivities of grad and year-end shows by herself as my Grandma is still recovering in hospital from broken hip/hip replacement surgery and my Uncle stayed there to keep an eye on her progress and visit her in the hospital.

David was coming for supper so I decided to pick him up and show Aunt Carol the condo at the same time.  The first couple of pictures are of David and Aunt Carol at the condo, then after at the house, opening his birthday present from them.  (His b-day was in April.)

And then Tamara was opening her birthday presents from A Carol & U Bob.  And she showed Aunt Carol her after-grad dress.

Act 3 and Senior High year-end show.

Tamara singing her solo.

Monday, May 27th was Tamara's Grad Banquet.  Pictures of us with my beautiful yet sassy girl:

At the BMO centre where the banquet was being held.  Tamara was very tolerant and let me take a bunch of pictures of her all over the venue:

Off to the non-sanctioned after-grad party.  I trust this girl.

Grad day - May 29th, 2013 (and me with seriously bad hair as I was trying out a style for Second Chants' show which flopped badly.  But I wanted pictures with my Grad.)

Blurry picture, I know.  Had to put it in - the evidence of the tongue being stuck out at me.

And that was May.  =) Lisa