Monday, October 24, 2011

Prepping for Halloween

Well, one day last week it was actually 18C and I thought it was the perfect time to decorate the house for Halloween.  Not too crazy.

Do you see my fake 'crow' on the post.  Well, I bought this little gem at Walmart 3 years ago and have displayed it with no issues.  Apparently this year this bird is causing some little critters around my house to be upset with it as this bird has been attacked the last couple of days and has lost one of it's wings and some feathers.  I guess it looked too real!!

I'm also posting a few LOs.  The first is one I've been struggling with and keep adding to it.  I'm thinking (hoping) that it's finally complete.

Hope you are enjoying these beautiful warm fall days we've been having.  Cheers!  =) Lisa