Monday, August 27, 2012

Project Life: March to Mid August 2009

Just trying to catch up on some of my PL pages.  Hope you enjoy!

March to Mid Aug 2009

=) Lisa

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Aug 20 - 26, 2012


* went to take Tamara to the dentist to have her wisdom teeth removed.  Apparently we should have had a consult with the dentist after the orthodontist's recommendation.  Our dentist told us that Tamara's teeth are too impacted for him to do it - that if we wanted it done we'd have to see a specialist.  That he felt we could wait six month to a year.  Since our orthodontist was worried that if we didn't get the braces out right away, when they did come out, we would be back at square one with crooked teeth.  I was confused as to what to do. 


* Decided my best course of action in regard to Tamara's wisdom teeth would be to call the orthodontist office to see how critical it actually is to have her wisdom teeth pulled.  Once the orthodontist talked to our family dentist the office called us back and advised us that both of them have agreed that Tamara could wait 6 months to a year before having her wisdom teeth pulled.  That they trust our dentist's recommendations of when the teeth should be pulled.


* went to the mall to buy school clothes for Tamara
* went to Union Station with Myron as Dave Mac's Mom was visiting him from Ontario and he wanted to introduce his friends.
* decided after watching the hunger games movie on the plane coming home from Ontario that I wanted to read the series and have borrowed the books from Tamara.  I'm already halfway through book 2 and have a hard time putting it down.
* went for a run.  Haven't ran since I was in Ontario.
* David came over as after he told me that he signed up for more classes in the fall, I told hime that I would buy the scientific calculator he would need for his class.  Also had to get groceries so stopped at the store on the way back to the house.  And what did my son do?  Without asking, without even seeming to think about it, he helped me bring my groceries into the house.  How did I raise such a gentleman?
* brrrr  - it started pouring about 4:30am this am.  Myron was up & out early, off to a golf tournament.  Rain stopped at about 10:30am and it's only plus 8C out.
* worked on project life.  Going to bed, I couldn't sleep as my mind was caught up in ideas for my next few pages of project life.  Then my mind kept going over the last few days of my Dad's life and I realized how tough it's going to be for me to do these pages.  I did not have a good night's sleep
* went golfing today with Myron.  It was a slow go as we followed a tournament so we only ended up doing 9 holes.  Then we had supper on the patio at the club:

* oh goody, a frost warning for the night.  :(  Alberta nights.

* I have finished reading the Hunger Games trilogy.  Good books.  Though the stories are well written, they are intense, violent, dark and ends in irony.
* Myron harvested some veggies from our garden.

* Myron & I have decided to cancel our tee time today as we figure that if we are following the tournament like yesterday, the pace will be very slow and not much fun.  Went for a long bike ride instead.  For anyone who knows Calgary, we rode from our house near Marda Loop to Edworthy Park, then to Eau Clair & Prince's Island park, then back home.
* At Eau Claire we stopped to say 'hi' to David at work.

* Then we went over to Prince's Island park.  They were having a Latino Festival.  Unfortunately you had to pay for admission to go but this young women was demonstrating outside of the gates.

* When we came home, I decided to take a couple pictures of our apple tree.  It's just a little tree but has alot of apples.  A bunch of the branches are drooping from the weight of the apples.

Enjoy!  =) Lisa

Monday, August 20, 2012

Aug 13 - 19, 2012

This past week Tamara & I were still in Ontario.

* went for a run, the weather is cooler
* tried to find the old trail that I used to take to get to the Bruce Trail at the old Log Cabin Trailer & campground.  Wanted to show Tamara the old caves & kilns I used to visit.  Unfortunately due to changes and overgrowth, I couldn't find it.  Tamara was disappointed.
* drove up to Queenston Heights, hoping it would satisfy Tamara's urge to be outdoors.  Did a little hike but she still wanted to see the caves so she was disappointed.

Monument for Laura Secord

Brock Monument

* went back to the old Log Cabin which is now a RV Sales place and talked to the owner & explained my dilemma.  He basically said to park under the 405 overpass and that you could find the trail from there.  And warned us to watch out for the poison ivy.  However we ran out of time for the day and for the trip so we will have to plan the hike for another time.
* went down to Jackie's for supper and a final visit before we fly out.  Got to visit with Jackie, John, Rose, Shawn, Tanya and their boys Isaac & Owen.

*flew home
*found out that my sister-in-law, Cindy was in labour

* my nephew made his arrival in the early hours
* Welcome to Tristan Charles Robert Xavier Lafreniere, born at 2:27am August 15, 2012.  Weighing in at 7 lbs 9 ozs and 20.5 inches long.  Mom & baby are doing well!

* grocery day.  Went to the farmer's market again as even though the supermarkets have fresh produce this time of year, it seems that much more fresh when buying it at the market.
* had lunch while I was there.  Tried my best to eat diabetic friendly.  Ate at:

Had butter chicken without rice or naan and a thai chicken salad that had mint leaves & cilantro.  The salad is one of the better salads I've ever had:

I took a picture of the description of the salad after I ate it because it was good and I wanted to remember what was in it, but I accidentally deleted the picture.

* after grocery shopping, I took Tamara to get some school supplies.  I couldn't resist getting a couple of things for myself =)  :

* David came over for supper.  Rotisseried a chicken on the bbq for supper all by myself.

* Myron & I went for a long bike ride.  Rode all the way around the reservoir.
* Tamara went to the movies with a friend
* Myron & I went out for supper then over to one of Myron's hockey buddies place for his 40th birthday

* went golfing in the very hot weather with Myron, Walt & one of their customers.  I did not enjoy my day.  Every once in awhile when I play golf, I think it's a stupid game and find it frustrating.  Oh well.

Here's to better days!  =) Lisa

Friday, August 17, 2012

Happy Mail!

Look what I got today!

I also want to say that I am really starting to use my camera on my phone more often.  I hardly use my Fugi & Canon cameras unless I plan for it. It seems quicker to use my phone camera by sending my pics to my email or uploading to FB.   My phone is always with me and if I want a quick snapshot I can do so and I really like that.

=) Lisa

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

And the winner is.....


So exciting!!  I participated in Technique Tuesday's blog hop a few days ago and I found out late last night that I got PICKED!!

Yay me!  Thank you Technique Tuesday!!!!!

=) Lisa

Aug 6 - 12th, 2012

This week:

* Tamara & I flew to Hamilton & then I picked up a rental car & drove to Niagara Falls, ON, to my Mom's apartment.

* Hung out with my Mom.  My brother & his fiance & their little guy came over for a visit.  He's such a cutie!  Cindy's due their second child on the 12th!  We may be lucky and will be able to welcome a little one before we head back to Calgary!

(Ayden crying because I was going to take his picture.)

*went for a run today, in the rain.  It may sound not so nice but it really was - warm temperatures, lots of humidity and the rain was gentle & warm.  Really nice to run in.
* Went for ice cream after supper - I ate a good diabetic supper and only had a kiddie cone,  maple walnut though - my fav!

The place we went to is called Avondale - my parents took us kids there for a treat - still has the same swing sets and everything!  Ahh! Sweet memories!

Here I am holding my Mom's cone - her fav, vanilla!

The Avondale Ice Cream store:

* Then went to visit my cousins - Jackie, John & Raeanne.  Fun visit.

* Mom, Tamara & I joined Jackie, John & Raeanne at Safari Niagara to see Collective Soul in concert:

* went or a run today, a little cooler
* went to bingo with Mom.  She won $50.

*Jackie came over for a visit
*Karl and Ayden came for supper.  Cindy would have come but she wasn't feeling well.

The vacation has been a lot of fun.  Missed my husband but regular evening calls helped with that!  =) Lisa

Saturday, August 11, 2012

July 30th - Aug 6th, 2012

This week:

* typical lazy summer day - did not do much.

*just normal chores & weeding the garden - which took forever it seemed.

*went to see a YSC musical production called Fame with Tamara.  Her friends Kelsey & Paloma were in it.

And a review:

Calgary Musicals

*it's cold and rainy today - plus 12C
*moped around then went got groceries, then worked on PL

*went to visit David at work as he's been busy with school & work and had a coffee with him
*going out with friends to dinner, a place called the Gypsy Bistro Wine Bar:

Jen C & Jen B's dessert:

My dessert:

The Jens:

Warren & Wayne (and their dessert):

Myron's dessert:

The gang:

Myron & I (of course):

* went golfing in the afternoon with Warren, Zach & Myron.  Zach is only 11 and hasn't touched a golf club since lst summer & only once at that.  So we played a scramble golf - I think Myron called it a Texas Scramble.  Had fun.

We also saw the baby eagles, practicing flying:

* went rafting with Myron & Tamara.

Some guy on a homemade wake board.  He ties it off to a tree and can wakeboard on the river:

Shot of us approaching downtown Calgary:

Great day.  Myron & I went out for supper later.

* is a holiday, so I included it here.  Though not much happening.  Myron didn't work today.  Since we had a bit of a tough couple of days, we took it easy.  Had our breakfast and lunch outside.  Then we went for a long walk - forgot that I wanted to go to the heritage festival at Prince's Island park - stopped at The Trop, had a drink & a snack, then home to make supper, watch a movie and pack for our trip the next day.

Tuesday we fly to Ontario!  =) Lisa