Monday, August 20, 2012

Aug 13 - 19, 2012

This past week Tamara & I were still in Ontario.

* went for a run, the weather is cooler
* tried to find the old trail that I used to take to get to the Bruce Trail at the old Log Cabin Trailer & campground.  Wanted to show Tamara the old caves & kilns I used to visit.  Unfortunately due to changes and overgrowth, I couldn't find it.  Tamara was disappointed.
* drove up to Queenston Heights, hoping it would satisfy Tamara's urge to be outdoors.  Did a little hike but she still wanted to see the caves so she was disappointed.

Monument for Laura Secord

Brock Monument

* went back to the old Log Cabin which is now a RV Sales place and talked to the owner & explained my dilemma.  He basically said to park under the 405 overpass and that you could find the trail from there.  And warned us to watch out for the poison ivy.  However we ran out of time for the day and for the trip so we will have to plan the hike for another time.
* went down to Jackie's for supper and a final visit before we fly out.  Got to visit with Jackie, John, Rose, Shawn, Tanya and their boys Isaac & Owen.

*flew home
*found out that my sister-in-law, Cindy was in labour

* my nephew made his arrival in the early hours
* Welcome to Tristan Charles Robert Xavier Lafreniere, born at 2:27am August 15, 2012.  Weighing in at 7 lbs 9 ozs and 20.5 inches long.  Mom & baby are doing well!

* grocery day.  Went to the farmer's market again as even though the supermarkets have fresh produce this time of year, it seems that much more fresh when buying it at the market.
* had lunch while I was there.  Tried my best to eat diabetic friendly.  Ate at:

Had butter chicken without rice or naan and a thai chicken salad that had mint leaves & cilantro.  The salad is one of the better salads I've ever had:

I took a picture of the description of the salad after I ate it because it was good and I wanted to remember what was in it, but I accidentally deleted the picture.

* after grocery shopping, I took Tamara to get some school supplies.  I couldn't resist getting a couple of things for myself =)  :

* David came over for supper.  Rotisseried a chicken on the bbq for supper all by myself.

* Myron & I went for a long bike ride.  Rode all the way around the reservoir.
* Tamara went to the movies with a friend
* Myron & I went out for supper then over to one of Myron's hockey buddies place for his 40th birthday

* went golfing in the very hot weather with Myron, Walt & one of their customers.  I did not enjoy my day.  Every once in awhile when I play golf, I think it's a stupid game and find it frustrating.  Oh well.

Here's to better days!  =) Lisa

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